Day one (why I'm learning rust): I hope that once I learn rust I Will be writing the most preformant code possible. If I really want to, I would use C, but I have heard that on top of the abundantly performant code, rust provides a great developer ecosystem. --- > [[PenPen]]'s Note: this review is often negative, however, this is not because Evan hates Rust, it's actually Evan's favorite programming language. Humans rarely write about the exceptionally good, we really like complaining. > [[PenPen]]'s Note: by rolling review, it is meant new points are added, removed, and updated. ## Review ### Great learning ecosystem There are lots of resources, the best ones being free and actively maintained (The rust book). ### Assumptions about project structure is very annoying. Coming from python where I could run `python`, I was frustrated to see I could not simply run `cargo`. There are extensions that add this functionality but they are annoying and all have their flaws as well. They work by creating a cargo project hidden away somewhere and abstracting it. When you use these tools, you lose the ability to import files. It's a monofile.